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It was 1989..........

A new sports car had been introduced by Mazda and was creating quite a buzz. What? People buying a car at or over sticker price? Were they crazy? Yes, they were crazy.... crazy about a car.

The owners of those first Miatas in the Indy area would honk, wave at and stop to talk to the other early adopters. 

In 1990, Rich Hickle organized the first gathering with red, white and blue Miatas parked in his front yard. They petitioned and received the charter from the Miata Club of America for one of the first chapters in the United States.

The club grew and started holding local events and rallies. In 1992, the club hosted a national Event "Miatas in Indy" and set the bar for this type of event and in 1994 did it again with "Miatas in Indy II", both events highlighted by a lap around the famed Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

In 2008, members decided they needed to remind everyone that they could still throw a party and hosted the 2008 Midwest Miata Gathering. It attracted 150 cars from across the US and Canada and featured tours of Indiana and, of course, a lap on the famed Speedway track. The police closed down Interstates 70 and 465 plus Crawfordsville Road, to escort us to the track, over 15 miles. After a lap on the famous track, we took a group shot at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

It's been 30 years, what the future holds for the Indy Miata Club, only time will tell. The fourth generation MX-5 has been released, we continue to grow, we continue to meet new Miata friends and, of course, we continue to enjoy our Roadsters. If you're not a member, join us and enjoy the future with us!

Indy Miata Club, LLC is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization

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