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100K Club - we've driven our cars 100,000 miles!

Tim and Keri Miller - 200,000 miles!

It's all about the drive, and I started that journey July 2007 with my first Miata, a 91 mariner blue. I bought my second miata, Red, in August of 2009 with 53,880 on the odometer and since then I have traveled over 100,000 miles. In July 2011, I acquired the Sapphire Blue 10th anniversary edition, as a 10th anniversary present. (I've had a few more Miatas for fun in between as well.

Just three years ago, Red became my daily driver through whatever weather was thrown at me throughout the year here in Northwest Indiana. I have enjoyed a lot of road time in my cars from Utah, Arkansas, Florida, Tennessee, Connecticut, Colorado and all the states in between. National events have taken me to some of these states along with a few of my own adventures in between. With the club trips and daily driving of several hundred miles a week, I'm well on my way to the next 100,000 miles on Red.

But wait! In January of 2017, Tim became the charter member of the 200K Club!  But wait...RIP, Red. Taken out by a hit and run driver in June 2020.

Steve and Kathy Crouse

Kathy and I  purchased our 1999 Miata on March 4, 2000. At that time it had 20,208 miles on it. Today, it has over 152,500 miles! That's only 16,500 miles per year for the eight years we've owned it. Isn't that what you would expect for your primary automobile? After all, I was putting 1000 miles a month on it, just driving to work during the first five years.

Then you have to add the several vacations we've taken in it, mostly to the Smokies and Deal's Gap. One of these trips included an extension to Atlanta, where we did both business and pleasure during the two weeks we were gone.

I would have to say that this has been the most trouble-free auto we've owned. We were looking to put 200K on that odometer, but in 2011 sold this car to another club member and are currently adding miles to Pepe to see if we can become two time members of the 100K club!

Eric Drumwright and Ann Cole - 100,000 miles

My name is Eric Drumwright and I was the President of the Indy Miata Club (2010). My wonderful wife and navigator is Ann Cole.

I was intrigued by the Miata when I first started reading about it in all the car magazines. I was working as a freelance commercial photographer in New York City at the time and it just wasn't practical. I moved back to the Indy area in 1992, found a full time job, saved enough to buy a house, and started to think about a Miata again! In 1992, we found a red 1990 A-package with a hard top. It had 34,510 miles on the odometer when I bought it in December of 1994. It was born in May 1989. I haven't met anyone with an older one. My car is 20 years old!

We joined the Indy Miata Club in 1997. Our first event was a great introduction to the club! It was the "Small Town Rally", run by Gary and Kathy Collings. Needless to say, we met people that day that have become great friends! The trip that put us "over the top" was also the longest we've ever taken. In July of 2008, we went to visit my ailing father in Hot Springs, Arkansas. By the time we returned home seven days later, we had driven over 1,800 miles!

So far I've been able to do all maintenance on our Miata myself. In addition to easy things like spark plugs, brakes and the like, I've tackled the cam (timing) belt, new springs and shocks, and installed a new clutch and pressure plate. This work was made much easier with advice, parts, and tools from members "Doc" Reynolds and Shane Benson!

Our car now sits in the garage with over 140,000 miles on the odometer, awaiting Spring.

Tom Lewis - 100,000 miles

It's really hard to believe my odometer reads - as of this writing - 171,700 and that I've actually driven this car 100,000 miles in the relatively short time that I've owned it.

The purchase was precipitated by the demise of my first Miata, a 1995 M Edition in the beautiful Merlot color with BBS lace wheels. Driving down Towne Road on a warm Spring evening of May of 2006 was like many others I'd made on the way to Laura's brownstone in the Village of West Clay... until an unseen deer jumped in front of me at 55 MPH. While the damage still allowed the car to be driven, the insurance totaled it. After receiving a fair settlement, I purchased the car back knowing some other enthusiast would like the car for the parts. That person turned out to be another Indy Miata Club member, and those beautiful BBS wheels still live on in the Indy Miata family.

Scouring the classifieds, I found the perfect replacement for the '95 M - a one owner 1996 M Edition with a hardtop located in Augusta, Georgia with 71,622 miles on the odometer. A few phone calls and emails exchanged led to an impromptu weekend road trip. We left on a Friday night, arrived in Augusta Saturday afternoon, verified the car was everything the pictures and words declared, paid the owner and departed for Indy.

In the past 4 years of being my daily driver in whatever Mother Nature throws at us, I have bonded with this car like no other I've ever owned. Economics have necessitated how to research and perform repairs I never thought I'd be able to accomplish. But I have, and the experience and learning have made this car very special to me. I don't think I'll ever be able to part with it, but rather just keep replacing the things that wear out.

I have sold the '96M and am now putting miles on a 2001 Midnight Blue LS! Whether it was this very special '96 M, or some other, I don't think my garage will ever again be without a Miata or two.

Sara J mcBride - 100,000 miles

Late to the Miata world, I purchased my 1995 Brilliant Black in August of 1998 with 32,000 miles on the odometer. I had wanted one for years, finally found the perfect one.

The odometer turned 100K on the IMS track. Having carefully planned this event, the odometer turned over to 100,000 as I crossed the famed yard of bricks in May of 2006 and I've got a picture to prove it! My personal 100K miles driven in the car came in 2008. Not sure where I was, I do remember looking down and thinking, "I've driven 100K in my Miata!"

My car and I have been to New England, Canada, east into the Appalachian Mountains, (Why, what's that semi doing on Tail of the Dragon?), Colorado and the Rockies, all over the midwest. I did slow down a bit putting miles on the car and when the car and I parted ways, she had 185K+ miles on her. I loved that car...

I really do think that owning and driving a Miata is the most fun you can have with your clothes on.

Mike and Ann Selvy - 100,000 miles

On August 12, 2009 our 1994 Laguna Blue Miata, who is known in our family as 'Blue', turned 100,000 miles! Considering she came to us with '2' miles showing on her odometer and to now have the privilege to enjoy this milestone has been a wonderful life for all of us here. For the past 100,000 miles, I've tried to be the best owner possible. I always fed her right, made her exercise, and have kept her out of trouble by demanding she lead a clean life. Because of this unique relationship we've became one over the years. She knows my touch because I'm the only one to have taken her on this journey since her birth.

We celebrated this monumental event by driving her to the Frost Bite, here in Avon to celebrate the momentous occasion with some ice cream and did a few photos to add to the family album. She was proud and rightly so!

Blue has been a faithful member of the family since she came into our life in August of 1994 when we got her straight off the Speedway Mazda lot on Indy's west side. We joined the Indy Miata Club within days of Blue coming into our lives.

We had her home immediately and spent a little time burping her for her first maiden trip that included a stop at the Mooreland Free Fair, at Mooreland, IN and then on to the east to run the Blue Ridge Parkway from top to bottom.

As time passed, and one journey and then another, she's seen many states and many sites along the way and she's never let us down.

Thanks Blue, we love you!

Larry & Sabrena Smith - 100,000 miles

Former President Larry and former newsletter Editor Sabrena have driven their 2008 Highland Green over 100,000 miles.

Marty & Jane Weaver - 100,000 miles

I was only going to Wendy’s for a hamburger, but I came home with a Miata instead. The National Guard isn’t just one weekend a month and two weeks in the summer if you are an infantry battalion commander, and that’s why I was in Logansport the day that sunburst yellow Miata jumped out at me from Mike Raisor’s dealership.

My first sight of a Miata was about 1990 while dining at the rib place that used to be in Indy’s Union Station. I saw a red something convertible rounding the corner, and I jumped up and ran to the window to see what it was. It was love at first sight. I was too tall, and it was too small, or so I thought. Hence, I rented a Miata while on a business trip to Dallas just to convince myself we wouldn’t be right together. How wrong I was.

Fast forward to December 1992. I took a lunch break from my military duties and drove over to Wendy’s—I never made it. The sunburst yellow Miata hooked me as soon as I saw it. Since it was the end-of-the-year clearance, there was no time to waste. I bought it. My wife’s only comment upon seeing it for the first time was “it sure is yellow.” Indeed!

It’s been a happy car, generating smiles, comments, and thumbs-up where ever it goes. It still puzzles me why that car was still on the lot back in 1992, but we’ve put 195,000 miles on it, and the little beast will be in our estate when we go. Jane and I both agree that buying this car was the best money we ever spent.

Jane suggested that I get a new Miata back in 2016, and I didn’t need much convincing, so I leased a new red Miata.  Fortunately, we kept the yellow beast, and boy, am I glad we did.  I mean no offense to owners of the current generation Miata, but I find it wanting, so I’ll turn it in next July way under the programmed mileage. It’s not as much fun as yellow beast.

The photo is in Clayton, New Mexico while on our 1997 Western vacation. When I’m not driving it, I’m cleaning it, and that’s probably why most people think it’s new.

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